Clean-up operation in Sudan gathers momentum

Hundreds of workers arbitrarily dismissed in the banking and energy sectors in the banking and energy sectors

The situation of workers in Sudan is getting worse by the day, as it takes on a frightening magnitude. The list of victims of the clean-up operation is growing with the passing of each day and at the discretion of the new Khartoum authorities. Thousands of innocent workers are paying the price for the Sudanese transitional government’s policy of revenge. More than five thousand workers have already been dismissed from their jobs for no valid reason. Just recently, the Dismantlement Commission arbitrarily terminated the functions of 233 agents of the Central Bank of Sudan (CBOS), 54 workers of the Thermal Energy Production Company (STPG) and 13 others of the Sudan Electricity Holding Company (SEH-Co LTD). According to local sources, this is a targeted cleansing plan which was meticulously prepared with some predatory complicities to the plans not yet revealed.

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) denounces this arbitrary practice which aims to starve thousands of innocent families by depriving them of their one and only income. It considers these decisions, which are not founded on any legal basis, to be an act of injustice and a violation of the fundamental rights of workers and human beings.

OATUU reiterates its call on the Sudanese authorities to stop the unfair dismissal of workers, as well as the persecution and arrest of trade unionists. According to recent information, Brother Abdelbaki Nour Daem, a member of the Executive Bureau of the Sudanese Workers’ Trade Union Federation (SWTUF), who was arbitrarily arrested last week, has been released and placed under house arrest.