ILO ARM 2019: “Tripartism is an opportunity to transform Africa and build its future”

The Secretary General of The Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) Comrade Arezki Mezhoud addressed the 14th African Regional Meeting of the International Labor Organization (ILO) being held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 3-6 December 2019.

The meeting which is attended by the ILO’s tripartite constituents from the 54 countries of Africa as well as representatives of international organizations, intergovernmental and non-governmental, invited by the Governing Body is reviewing the progress made by African countries over the last four years in implementing the Decent Work Agenda in the light of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals  and the African Union Agenda 2063.

The International Labor Organization is a historic achievement that must be protected, preserved and strengthened in its normative, control and cooperative functions. In this regard, The Secretary in his address called for the ratification of the instrument amending the ILO Constitution adopted by the 1986 Conference to ensure better governance of this specialized United Nations agency.

In his speech, Comrade Arezki tackled different issues face by African Workers and their families. Social Justice and Equality, Decent Work and the future of work are priorities to qualitatively transform the lives of our workers and their families. Adding values to women and young people by providing all children with free and quality education is the only way to save Africa.

For the Secretary General the ratification and promulgation of laws are not the really issue. The great problem is the implementation and the effectiveness of the laws. He declared that: “I do not think that it is the ratification of the NCIs and the promulgation of laws that are absent, but rather their effectiveness. The gap between the texts and their application is becoming alarming. Thus, the governments responsible for the sovereign function, implementation, compliance to labor legislation, monitoring and arbitration must strengthen by all necessary means the institutional instruments of control and intervention, and by that I mean, as a priority, the labor inspections which must also work with the unions”.

The key to solve this issue is Tripartism. Comrade Arezki acknowledged that “Tripartism is an opportunity to transform Africa and build its future”. As part of their missions and with a vision of making this century Africa’s century, African governments must make this principle a concrete and constructive reality.

The Secretary General extended his solidarity to the brothers and sisters of the Sudan Workers’ Union Federation and the Palestinian workers and people who continue to suffer the atrocities and brutalities of Israel’s repressive colonial machine.

All the best in the work of the meeting!!!