International Labor Conference Centenary Declaration (Provisional Record 6A)

Attended by about 6000 delegates composed of Governments, workers and employers representatives from 178 of the ILO’s member States and observers from national and international non-governmental organizations, the International Labor Conference(ILC) came out with a Centenary Declaration (2019) about one of the Seven ILO Initiatives: The Future of Work.

Referring to the Declaration, ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder said: “What we have adopted today is a roadmap, a compass to take us forward in the future of this Organization, because the future of work is the future of our Organization,”.

It is said that “The Declaration looks to the future of work with a human-centred lens. It has a strong focus on enabling people to benefit from changes in the world of work, by strengthening the institutions of work to ensure adequate protection of all workers, and by promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth and full and productive employment”.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres  said that the Declaration “marks an historic opportunity to open a door to a brighter future for people around the world.” 

Further on the Declaration, he added “The Declaration is ambitious – setting out the basis for delivering the ILO’s mandate in its second century……… The Declaration proposes a shift in the paradigm of how we look at development,”.

The ILO Centenary Declaration 2019 will be the guideline for the next Century.

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