OATUU/ILO to organise a Workshop on Labour Migration, 23–25 October 2018, Abuja-Nigeria

Priority Area of the Congress Resolution of the Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) held in Mali in 2017 and  drawing from the 2017/2020 Strategic Plan for the organisation, Labour Migration constitutes one of the principal areas of importance and attention for OATUU.

According to The International Labor Organisation (ILO),  the recruitment of workers across global supply chains and international borders is becoming a common practice today.  Unfortunately,  the existence of International Labor Standards relating to recruitment, national laws and their enforcement often fall short of protecting the rights of Migrant Worker. However,  Africa ought to engage in strategic interventions to curb abuses, constraints and Decent Work deficits for migrant workers.

In regard to this context, OATUU jointly with ILO will organize a workshop on Labor Migration from 23rd to 25th October 2018 in Abuja, Nigeria. The main goal of this programme is to promote Decent Work for migrant workers whilst contributing to the realisation of the ILO Decent Work Agenda, AU Agenda 2063 and Goal number 8 of the SDGs, that emphasises on a “sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all” in Africa.

The objectives of this meeting are:

  • To share and exchange experiences and best practices on building and implementing national migration and employment policies and programmes.
  • To come up with recommendations for advancing Decent Work, Social Protection and International labour Standards for Migrant Workers
  • To develop recommendations for strengthening the role of the African Trade Unions in addressing Decent Work Deficits in Migration
  • To launch and promote Awareness Campaigns on Migrant Workers’ Rights
  • To popularise the ILO Core Labour Standards and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 and 10 in relation to Migrant work in Africa.
  • To promote for the ratification and implementation of the ILO Conventions on Migration

This programme is expected to bring out the following outcomes:

  • Established desks and focal persons at the countries of origin and destination to facilitate organising of migrant workers as well as offer counsel for orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration
  • Developed proposals on review of legislation and policies to accommodate Migrant Workers’ rights in line with the ILO Conventions No. 97 and No. 143.
  • Enhanced capacity of trade union leaders, women and youth to lobby and advocate for decent work for all, including migrants.
  • Adopted trade union strategies on promoting Decent Work for Migrant workers in Africa and the Diaspora
  • Increased awareness on issues that confront Migrant Work and mechanism to address them via the Decent Work Country Programmes
  • Increased number of Migrant Workers organised and/or recruited by trade Unions
  • Established tripartite frameworks/mechanisms to address Migrant Workers concerns.

The Workshop will equip trade unions to build their capacity to engage in advocacy, campaigns and other interventions that address migrant workers’ issues.

OATUU will be represented by The Delegate Secretary General Comrade Valentine Udeh and Mr. John Kofi Takpo in charge of Education Research.