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OATUU Executives Congratulate New TUC Ghana Leadership

The Secretary-General of the Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), Mr. Arezki Mezhoud and the Treasurer-General, Mr. Ibrahim Abrar Ibrahim recently paid a courtesy visit to the Headquarters of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana in Accra. The visit was primarily to congratulate the new leadership of TUC Ghana, led by the newly elected Secretary-General, Joshua Ansa, following the success of the 12th Congress of TUC Ghana.

During the visit, the OATUU Secretary General expressed appreciation for the steadfast support TUC Ghana has provided over the years to OATUU and its initiatives. He acknowledged TUC Ghana’s role in advancing the interests of workers, both locally and across the continent, and praised the leadership for the successful organisation of the Congress, which brought together delegates from across the country.

A key focus of the discussions between the two parties was the current state of labor issues in Ghana and Africa. They explored pressing challenges such as workers’ rights and the need for stronger labor policies across the continent to enhance the welfare of African workers.

Additionally, the visit reaffirmed the longstanding cooperation between OATUU and TUC Ghana. Both organisations expressed their commitment to deepening their collaboration, with the aim of amplifying their collective voice in advocating for labor reforms and enhancing trade union solidarity on the continent.