China-OATUU: His Excellency Shi Ting Wang, the Ambassador of China in Accra Visited OATUU Headquarters.

“Strengthen the mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership with Africa and what is happening in Hong Kong is supported by external forces”

 The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Accra, Ghana, His Excellency, Mr. Shi Ting Wang, paid a courtesy visit to the headquarters of the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) on Wednesday 9th October 2019. Received by the members of OATUU Secretariat, His Excellency, Mr. Shi Ting Wang, said at the beginning of his visit that his visit was within the framework of the Sino-African cooperation and friendship. During his discussion with the members of the Secretariat, he presented an overview of the People’s Republic of China’s long-standing cooperation and solidarity with the States and peoples of Africa and its future prospects.

During the meeting, he also pointed out the role of trade unions in the field of partnership, as they represent the interests of workers who constitute an important segment of the society. The best illustration is the cooperation of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions with African trade union organizations. As a reminder, OATUU enjoys an excellent cooperation relationship with the All China Federation of Trade Unions. In his statement, he referred to the current global situation and its challenges and the emergence of a multilateral world. Speaking about what has been happening in Hong Kong in recent months, he said that external forces are supporting the acts of violence in this region of China. He added that this is an internal Chinese affair and that the Chinese government will not tolerate any interference and will be able to handle things properly. 

     The Secretary General of OATUU thanked His Excellency for his visit, which expressed the friendship and support of the People’s Republic of China for the peoples and workers of Africa. He underlined the solidarity links and the excellent cooperation between OATUU and the All China Federation of Trade Unions, including the multifaceted support it continues to receive from the All China Federation of Trade Unions. He indicated that the Sino-African partnership based on common interest will give a push to development in Africa. However, workers’ trade unions must be involved in order to ensure respect for labor rights and a better distribution of the fruits of the cooperation. On the issue of China’s sovereignty, OATUU has always defended the principle of the freedom and the sovereignty of Nations and Peoples in accordance with its constitution and charter. For only the people of China have the legitimacy to decide what is best for them.