The twenty Second edition of the joint ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) and the Japan Trade Union Congress (JTUC/RENGO) regional training programme on Productivity Improvement for a Human-Centred Approach to the Future of Work with Decent Work for all is currently held in Windhoek, Namibia.
The Training started today Monday November, 25th 2019 and set to close its works on Friday November 29th, 2019.
This training seminar brought together participants representing trade unions from 14 Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries. The participants also include government officials and federation of employers from the host country and representatives from regional trade union organizations (SATUCC, ITUC-Africa and OATUU).
The Objective of the Training is to empower trade unions in the SADC region to have the capability to participate in concerted national efforts for improving productivity and competitiveness, creating more employment opportunities and enhanced mechanisms for social dialogue and collective bargaining for achieving decent work for all.
Mr. Emmanuel Nzunda, OATUU Deputy Secretary General in charge of Education and Research is attending as well representing OATUU at the training.