PANAF/COTU (K) Launching Seminar of the Manual on Democracy and Governance

PANAF and COTU (K) are holding a launching Seminar of the Manual on Democracy and Governance in Nairobi, Kenya  from  15-17 May 2019.
This seminar is set to bring together social partners i.e. senior trade union leaders from COTU (K) and its affiliates, representatives from the Kenyan- government and the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) in order to

  • Implement the Kigali conclusions and recommendations.
  • Set-up joint monitoring and follow-up platforms at national, regional and continental levels to ensure the implementation of the above-mentioned conclusions and recommendations.
  • Promote and strengthen networking with other players that are engaged in Mobilizing Africans for Africa’s Transformation.
  • Mobilize more resources to support the timely implementation of the Kigali conclusions and recommendations and other relevant materials on democracy and good forms of governance.

The main objective of this conference is To contribute at creating more democratic and participatory society, greater accountability and transparency for sustainable development in the country.

In achieving this objective, the meeting tends:

  • To create awareness among social partners on democracy and governance issues in the country.
  • To promote all-inclusive democratic participation and building of democratic culture in the country.
  • To promote social partners’ engagements on democracy and governance issue.
  • To launch the PANAF global manual on democracy and governance.
  • To draw a social partners’ joint plan on promotion of democracy and governance issues.
  • Awareness raised among social partners on the state of democracy and governance in the country.
  • To popularize the Kigali Conclusions and Recommendations on Democracy and Governance .

In advancing the outcome of the Kigali International Trade Union Conference on Democracy and Governance, this PANAF/COTU (K) seminar will popularize the Kigali Conclusions and Recommendations and introduce the PANAF global Manual on Democracy and Governance.