OATUU 41st General Council held in Algiers-Algeria, 27th September 2018

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) held its 41st General Council on 27th September 2018, Algiers-Algeria. In total, 73 affiliates from all the 54 African countries and OATUU friends/Partners from others countries attended this meeting which was mainly design to tackle trade unions issues in Africa in order to solve them.

Prior to the meeting,three activities were conducted:

  1. A 2-Day joint workshop on  “Peace and Security in Africa: Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience” , organized by OATUU and the ILO-ACTRAV , brought together African trade union leaders from OATUU affiliates on 23-24th September 2018.  The main objective of the workshop was to strengthen trade union capacity in the areas of employment, decent work, peace, security and resilience.
  2. The Executive Committee meeting on 25th September 2018, which gather all the executive members of OATUU.
  3. an  International Trade Union Symposium on “Peace and Security, Role of Trade Unionism and Tripartism” “International Trade Union Solidarity and its Perspectives” was held on 26th September 2018.

Representatives from International Labor Organisations, The Government of Algeria, attended the opening Ceremony of this meeting chaired by OATUU President Comrade Francis  Atwoli.

Comrade Abdelmadjid Sidi Said extended a vibrant tribute to the martyrs of Africa, as well as to the martyrs of people around the world who are fighting for their dignity, their freedom and the sovereignty of their destiny, especially the people of Palestine and the Arab Sahrawi Democratic Republic.

This 41st session provides us the opportunity to reaffirm our attachment and support to OATUU in its development and in its trade union authenticity, as a key actor in the positive evolution of trade union solidarity action in Africa and in the world.