OATUU-ACTRAV Joint Workshop, Algiers-Algeria officially opened

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU)  has officially opened the works of its 2-Days (23-24th September 2018) joint workshop with Bureau of Workers Activities (ACTRAV) this morning at the Conference Hall of the Sheraton Hotel, Algiers-Algeria under the theme: “Peace, Security in Africa: Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience”.

The meeting was officially launched by Comrade Francis Atwoli, President of OATUU in presence of Comrade Abdelmadjid Sidi Said,  Secretary General of Union Générale des Travailleurs Algériens (UGTA); ACTRAV-ILO Representative, Comrade DR. Mohammed Mwamazingo and OATUU Secretary General, Comrade Arezki Mezhoud.

The opening ceremony, moderated by Comrade Emmanuel Nzunda, OATUU Deputy Secretary General in charge of Education and Training was essentially made of  welcoming addresses and words of remarks from the officials mentioned above.

After welcoming the delegates and guests, Comrade  Abdelmadjid Sidi Said  expressed his remarks on the choice of Algeria and his Trade Union UGTA to host this important Workshop. He thanked OATUU for the opportunity and  the privilege to be the host country;  “It shows the great consideration that OATUU has for UGTA”. He closed his address by inviting all the participants to feel at home: “You should feel at home, Algeria is your house. Anything you need, just let us know”. 

Comrade Dr. Mohammed Mwamadzingo, in his words of address, congratulated the trade union movement role in the work of Peace Building in Africa, especially Comrade Francis Atwoli for his efforts on Peace Building in his country, Kenya. He shared the greetings from Madam Mariah Helena Andre, Director of Bureau of Workers Activities ACTRAV/ILO. She said “OATUU is in our heart, and we must work together”.

Dr. Mohammed paid tribute to comrades who passed away this year in the labor movement, especially to Comrade Ali Ibrahim, former OATUU Deputy Secretary General for his work accomplished  in labor movement. A minute’ silence has been observed in his memory. In his remarks, Dr. Mohammed emphasized in ILO Recommendation 205 on Decent Work as it is a requirement for peace and security in Africa.

The Secretary General of OATUU, Comrade Arezki Mezhoud welcomed with honor Comrade Abdoulaye Lelouma Diallo, a Trade union veteran in Africa-OATUU Representative at ILO in Geneva; Professor Vladimir Antwi Dansu, Comrade Alex Bogny, Comrade Frederick Parry and the last but not the least Comrade Demba Diop, a silent force in trade union. He expressed his thanks to ILO, UGTA and Ghana TUC for their support in the strengthening of OATUU. Addressing on the theme of the workshop, the Secretary General said “Peace can only be achieved by getting rid of the violence phonomena”. Hoping in the recommendations of this workshop to help us getting peace and security in Africa, He ended by reaffirming OATUU support to our brothers in Libya.

Comrade Francis Atwoli, officially opened the works of this workshop. He paid tribute the late Koffi Annan, former UN Secretary General in remembrance of his work in Africa. A minute’s silence in his memory was observed.

Talking about the theme of the workshop,  he said: “The existence of peace and security is the backbone of any society and it is tied to its social, political, economic and cultural growth”.

He encouraged the participant to be involved in this activity in order to make good decisions to get strong and good organisations.  “It is through decision making and not by thinking that we can have good and strong organisations”, he said.

The meeting gathered about 50 participants from different African Countries…