OATUU Executive Board in Algeria for the 62nd anniversary celebrations of the Union Generale des Travailleurs Algeriens (UGTA)

The festivities marking the double celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the General Union of Algerian Workers and the 47th anniversary of the nationalization of national gas and oil resources took place from 22nd to 25th February 2018 at Oran in Algeria in the presence of the Secretary General of the UGTA, Mr. Abdelmadjid Sidi Said, the Executive Board of OATUU lead by its Secretary General Mr. Arezki Mehzoud and several important personalities.

The opening of the 10th Sonatrach Trade Union Renewal Conference (National Society for the research, production, transport, processing and marketing of hydrocarbons) marked the first celebration activity of the double Anniversary of the creation of the UGTA and the nationalization of the national resources of gas and oil. During an opening speech of about twenty minutes, Mr. Abdelmadjid Sidi Said, Secretary General of UGTA, reiterated his commitment to the unions by promoting dialogue as an actor of peace and stability. He said, “Dialogue is the best way to preserve the peace and stability of the country” by adding that “noble activism can only be built on the basis of stability and peace“.

In the context of the appropriate celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the creation of UGTA, his Secretary General, Mr. Abdelmadjid Sidi said, called upon the trade union comrades to stay away from all violence in this regard: “We are the builders of Algeria. I call on all trade unionists to move away from the language of violence. Violence has never brought solutions to problems“.

Taking the floor, Mr Abdoulaye Lelouma Diallo, in his status as representative of OATUU to the International Labor Organization, did not fail to congratulate UGTA and Algeria in general on their involvement in the preservation and maintenance of peace and Dialogue. He pointed out that: “Algeria is a country historically respected in the world… You have always fought for unity, solidarity and fraternity among all those who work. Thanks to the open door that you have left to all the social partners, obviously you have managed to preserve and maintain peace and dialogue, the solidarity…

It was in the presence of the Coordinator and Chairperson of the National Commission of the working woman, Samia Salhi, that the Secretary General of the UGTA, Mr. Abdelmadjid Sidi Said revealed that “women trade unionists represent 11% of the workforce of the general Union of Algerian workers “; which is a very great achievement at the national and international level. Dean Abdoulaye Lelouma Diallo supported it in his speech “the National commission of Women is one of the women’s commissions that works today”.

Mr. Ali Deyahi, Director of the ILO (International Labour Office), Algiers, emphasized that the choice of the theme of the Algerian woman working and trade unionist is good. He said, “more than a theme, this topic is a plea in itself. There is a need to focus on the issue of women and their presence at the labor market level”. He continued saying “investing in women and its participation in the labor market is one of the most effective ways to increase equality and promote economic, exclusive and sustainable growth.”

Enhanced by the presence of the Secretary General of UGTA, Secretary General of OATUU and its Executive Board, Secretary General of the SONATRACH National Trade Union, Secretary General of the National Federation of Oil, Gas and chemical workers, the Chairperson of the National Commission of the Working Woman, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals… the celebration of this double anniversary in Oran will remain a commemoration worthy that name.