OATUU Secretary-General attends 18th Congress of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)

The Secretary-General of OATUU, Brother Arezki Mezhoud is attending the 18th Congress of the World Federation Trade Unions (WFTU) which is being held from the 6th to 8th of May in Rome, Italy. In his solidarity message, the Secretary-General highlighted the quality of cooperation between OATUU and WFTU, as well as the historical support the organisation has shown to Africa with regard to the liberation and decolonisation movement.

He emphasised the challenges that have surfaced regionally and internationally, as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis and the Russia-Ukraine war. He added that African workers were victims of the free world order which consequently hinders development in Africa.

It appears that the rhetoric of some leaders around the world about development co-operation is just window dressing, because the reality is quite different. In the name of cooperation and partnership, the transfer of African wealth is concealed, and Africans are left dealing with poverty and destitution.

Mr. Mezhoud therefore called for the building of a strong trade union movement founded on solidarity in order to tackle the uncertainties of a world dominated by hegemony and exploitation. He also reiterated his support for the struggle of workers around the world, especially the Palestinian workers who suffer daily from the exploitation and repression of the Israeli occupation.

Finally, he thanked the WFTU for the invitation and the Union of Italian Basic Trade Unions for their warm welcome and hospitality while wishing the work of the 18th Congress total success.