2012 International Trade Union Forum (OATUU/ACFTU)

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The 2012 International Forum on Economic Globalization and Trade Unions concluded on 31 August. During the three-day forum, which was devoted to the theme of “Respecting Labour, Safeguarding Rights”, participants exchanged views on a wide range of issues.
ACFTU Vice-Chair Chen Hao addressed the closing ceremony, saying that the forum will promote exchanges and cooperation between trade unions and keep the international labour movement moving forward in a healthy, balanced and orderly manner.

Chen recalled that labour is the motive force behind economic and social development, while workers play a dominant role in productive factors. Respecting creativity and building harmonious labour relations have a direct bearing on the sustained and stable development of the global economy.
He pledged that Chinese trade unions will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and workers’ rights, stay committed to strengthening cooperation, dialogue, and exchanges with trade unions of all countries and international trade union organizations.

Chinese trade unions stand ready to work with these bodies to protect workers’ rights and build a global labour movement that is fair, democratic and harmonious. Ten international delegates spoke at the closing ceremony, convinced that a forum is a major event in the international labour movement and that it has offered a platform for workers throughout the world to voice their views on matters of vital concern to them.
The forum addressed two further topics – “Youth Employment and Working World” and “Gender Equality and Worker Rights” in two sideline events.
Union leaders from 50 countries attended this eighth session of the forum. Since its creation in 2004, it has had the attendance of hundreds of leaders from 146 trade unions in 89 countries.

Source: ACFTU  2012-08-31