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OATUU Engages with ILO Representatives on Shared Goals

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity has recently engaged in discussions with ILO representatives, Desk Officer for Africa at ILO ACTRAV, Mrs. Hilma Kupila Mote and, Workers’ Specialist at ILO-ACTRAV, Mrs. Inviolata Chinyangarara. The conversations which took place at the OATUU Secretariat centered around shared goals and potential avenues for collaboration, fostering a meaningful dialogue on opportunities for joint efforts.

After a warm welcome, Assistant Secretary-General, Mr. Emmanuel Nzunda briefed the ILO representatives on OATUU’s recent congress held in Algiers, Algeria. The gathering served as a platform to share insights into the outcomes of the congress and discuss the progress of OATUU’s ongoing strategic plan. Notably, Mr. Nzunda emphasised OATUU’s unwavering commitment to prioritising women and youth, recognising their pivotal roles in the labor force. One key highlight of the discussion was OATUU’s focus on encouraging conversations on financing for social protection, a critical aspect that resonates with the ILO’s mission.

Conversely, the ILO representatives shed light on their organisation’s core focus areas, which align with OATUU’s strategic plans. Union transformation, the creation of decent jobs, and the imperative of placing women and youth at the forefront of labor-related activities emerged as key shared priorities.

A noteworthy discussion point centered on the need for labor provisions within the plans and activities of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Both OATUU and the ILO underscored the significance of integrating labor considerations into the broader economic agenda, emphasising the fundamental role that workers play in the success of regional economic initiatives.

As the meeting concluded, both OATUU and ILO expressed optimism about the potential for strengthened collaboration. The alignment of goals, particularly in areas such as social protection, union transformation, and the empowerment of women and youth, sets the stage for a robust partnership that could yield positive outcomes for the African labor landscape.