International Women’s Day

 International Women’s Day Message

On the occasion on this year’s International Women’s Day celebration, the Organisation of African Trade Union Unity, (OATUU) wishes to congratulate all working women in Africa and the world at large. The United Nation’s theme for this year is ‘Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for change is apt. This puts Innovation for women and girls and is geared towards the promotion of gender equality. Achieving gender equality requires social innovations that work for both women and men and leaves no one behind.

 In Africa today there are still  challenges as regards our culture and traditions which impede women to freely interact and socialise within the community, place of work and in all spheres of life. The issue of violence, discrimination, sexual harassment and all other forms of abuses and deprivation against women still persist. For us to make a meaningful impact on this year’s theme, we must review our approaches and tendencies towards the issues concerning women as regards equality and innovation for the betterment of women and society in general.

We call on all Stakeholders to be conscious on women issues as prompts in this year’s International women’s Day celebration and as well as Agenda 2030 and 2063, Goal 5, to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls as well as ASPIRATION 6: An Africa whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of African people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children.

OATUU recognises the potential of women in socio -economic development of their respective countries and therefore calls on all Trade Unions in Africa and beyond to empower women and give them opportunities in all spheres of life and the world of work in particular. This, if done will create a better tomorrow for all of us.

Once more, OATUU wishes all women a successful celebration.


Secretary General