10th OATUU-AU Annual Partnership Forum:Opening Ceremony

The Organization of African Trade Union Unity(OATUU) in collaboration with the African Union is holding the 10th Joint Annual Partnership Forum on Migration and Mobility for Sustainable Development from 24 to 26 July 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia.

This year Forum is set to bring light on the role of trade unions in Migration and Refugees Challenges as the theme is The migration and refugees challenges: The role of trade unions.

On this day, 24th July 2019 at the Opening Ceremony, The Secretary General of Unions General des Travailleurs Tunisiens (UGTT), the Ambassador Jalel Chelba, Head of Civil Society Division, CIDO, AUC and OATUU Secretary General Mr. Arezki Mezhoud addressed to the participants.

This purpose of this gathering is to contribute at promoting orderly migration and mobility, rights of migrants and refugees for sustainable development in Africa.

The Objective of this meeting is to identify and intensify the role of trade unions on migration and refugees issues publicizing current AU initiatives in connection with the migration and mobility issues and popularizing the revised Migration Policy Framework for Africa and Plan of Action (2018-2030).

The outcome of this forum is to come up with a trade union road map on addressing migration and refugees issues for promoting sustainable development.