AU-OATUU 2018 Partnership Forum officially Closed by the Tanzanian Deputy Minister of Labor

The activities of the AU-OATUU Partnership Forum came to its end today, Saturday 11 August 2018 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. In total, 30 participants representing the African Union (AU), The Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), The Trade Union Congress of Tanzania (TUCTA) and various trades unions on the continent attended this 3-Days brainstorming program on “Development and transformation of Africa through good gouvernance, role of trade unions in winning the fight against corruption“.

The forum was broken down into four thematic parts: the development and transformation of African through good governance, winning the fight against corruption, the role of ECOSOCC trade and industry cluster in Agenda 2063 and the ECOSOCC ongoing reform process.

Regarding the role of trade union in battling of corruption, this year forum suggested:

-the creation of necessary platforms by African governments and trade unions to fast-track the sharing of best practices on battling corruption.
-to audit leaders at all levels – they must be proactive and to identify challenges allowing corruption to settle through Trade Unions.
– to educate, sensitize and do advocacy work at all levels through Trade Unions.
– Suggested the enforcing of company and multi-national finance declarations.
– Trade Unions play the advocacy role as well as lobby their government to put in place the ‘whistle blowers act’ and then enact laws that will
protect them
– Trade Unions to form networks and partner with the media and other credible Civil Society Organizations to publicize and create awareness among their members and public at large.

Mr. William Carew, AU Regional Policy Officer expressing his final words.

Mr. Arezki Mezhoud, OATUU General Secretary addressing to all the participants “Corruption is a malignant, silent disease. Like a cancer, we don’t see it but it destroys our body.Corruption destroys the social body”. Related to the theme of the conference, He reformulated it in “Eradicating corruption through good governance”.

Talking about the President of Tanzania regarding his fight against corruption,”the trade union movement has come here to express its support to the president of Tanzania in relation to corruption. Demonstrating that he has the support of the entire African trade union force”. He added : “Thank you, we recognize your role in African trade unionism”

His Honorable Deputy Minister of Labour, Mr Anthony Mavounde expressed his pleasure for AU-OATUU choosing Tanzania has host country for this conference. It shows AU and the African Labor Movement interest in Tanzania.

He officially closed this 9th AU-OATUU Annual Partnership Forum on Saturday 11th August 2018.

OATUU Secretary General receiving a gift from SWTU Secretary General.