PANAF PROGRAMME to celebrate its 30th Anniversary in Nairobi-Kenya,27th February- 1st March 2019

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) and the African Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Africa) together with the partners (LO and TCO-Sweden, FGTB-Belgium and CUT-Brasil) are organising the 30th anniversary of the Pan African Education programme (PANAF) celebrations,which will take place from 27th February to 1st March 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The PANAF is a grassroots rank and file focused education programme aimed at improving workers and trade unions’ capacity and consciousness in Africa. The programme has been implemented during her 30 years of  existence in 26 African countries, however currently the PANAF programme activities have been implemented in 18 African countries namely Kenya, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, DRC, Chad, Cote d’lvoire, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, Tanzania, Benin, Mozambique, Niger, Mali and Zambia.

The anniversary celebrations will be attended by participating national centres from eighteen African countries, sub-regional trade union organisations, ILO, UNICEF, UNESCO, AU, OATUU, ITUC-Africa and PANAF Programme partners, as well as the social partners – Employers and Governments.

The main objectives of the 30th PANAF anniversary celebrations are as follows:

  • To underscore and celebrate, through evaluation, PANAF‘s unique legacy, contributions and its role at the national and continental levels in promoting workers’ education, empowerment and contributions to nation-building, as well as seek ways and means to consolidate the gains made and sustain the programme for another 30 years
  • To provide the space for the constructive discussion, discourse and debate on consequential issue such as education and its place and relevance for Africa’s development.
  • To re-examine the political, technological, social and economic challenges that might affect the future of African workers` education in a globalised world and to propose effective and pragmatic responses.

As part of the 30th PANAF anniversary Celebration, a symposium will be conducted under the theme “The importance of Quality Education for all for Africa’s Development’’.