OATUU/ILO Conference on the Future of Work, 12th -13th December 2018, Alexandria-Egypt

According to the ILO, ‘’around the world, in economies at all stages of development, profound changes in the nature of work are underway. Numerous and diverse factors account for these: demographic shifts, climate change, technological innovation, shifting contours of poverty and prosperity, growing inequality, economic stagnation and the changing character of production and employment’’.

These processes will shape the world of work and raise challenges to trade unions in the areas of organizing and recruitment, collective bargaining, and engagement on labor market policy issues, social dialogue and tripartite negotiations.

The future of work is an important aspect in which the workers’ perspective ought to be shared. Consequently, trade unions should contribute to the global deliberations on the world of work:  the future we want.

It is against this backdrop that OATUU in collaboration with the ILO is organizing this conference on the Future of Work which will take place from 12th to 13th December 2018 in Alexandria-Egypt.

The main goal of the conference is to contribute to the realization of decent work and social justice for all in the future world of work.

The specific objectives of the conference as re as follows:

  • To create awareness on the Future of Work among African trade union leaders.
  • To identify key challenges and priorities for African workforce on the Future of Work so as to ensure that workers are well prepared to face the changing world of work.
  • To take stock of the ILO activities/initiatives and their contributions to the realization of decent work and social justice in Africa and worldwide.
  • To come up with key recommendations to the ILO-High Level Global Commission on the Future of Work.