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OATUU organises 50th Anniversary Celebration in Accra, Ghana

The Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) will be celebrating its 50th anniversary in Accra, Ghana on the 12th and 13th of April, 2023. The celebration will be an opportunity to highlight OATUU’s achievements over its 50 years of existence, as well as make room to chart a new course for the future. The theme of the celebration is “Fidelity, Unity and Action for a Decent Life for African Workers”. Various affiliates and partners across Africa and beyond will gather to commemorate this momentous occasion.

OATUU was founded in April 1973 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, following a merger between the All-African Trade Union Federation (AATUF), the African Trade Union Confederation (ATUC) and the Pan-African Workers Congress (PAWC). Each of the three (3) organisations represented different trade union tendencies. The founding of OATUU put an end to the existence of the three pan-African trade union organisations.