OATUU to host a Women Committee Workshop on 16th September 2019, in Kenya

The Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) in collaboration with the ILO- Area Office, ABUJA and COTU-Kenya is holding a Women Seminar in prelude of its 42nd General Council set to take place on 16th September 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

OATUU 2017-2021 Strategic Plan stresses on the need to ensure that African Women, Men and particularly Young Workers get well placed in the Future of Work, whilst pursuing their Human and Trade Unions Rights. These concerns were featured in the Priority Areas of the 2017 Congress Resolutions held in Bamako, Mali.

Based on that, the works of this seminar will be done around the theme: Sexual Harassment in the World of Work.

According to the Organizers, the main objective of this program is to promote Decent Work for Women and Men, devoid of violence and sexual harassment and their implications whilst contributing to the realization of the ILO Decent Work Agenda by popularizing Convention 190 on Violence and Sexual Harassment, AU Agenda 2063 and Goal number no. 8 of the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals in Africa.

The Seminar is set to will bring together 20 National Trade Union Leaders: Women Commission Members and Youth Representatives who are Policy makers, Social Partners and Media Personnel.

Awareness-raising on the rights of Workers as stipulated in the ILO Convention 190; Capacity building Workshops for National Trade Union; Development of advocacy structures  for the formulation and promotion of the ILO Convention and/or Recommendation on Violence at work and Sexual Harassment; Enhance the campaigns on the rights of Women and Young Workers are some of the activities that will be implemented during this Seminar.

As results of this activity, the organizers are expecting among others the following outcomes:

-Developed proposals on review of legislation and policies to accommodate workplace violence Workers’ rights in line with the ILO fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and Convention No. 111 and Convention 190

-Enhanced awareness on Gender equality and Gender Mainstreaming concept

-Increased awareness on issues that confront exploited workers and mechanism to address them via the Decent Work Country Programmes

-Increased number of empowered women and young trade unionists that are engaged in Advocacy Campaigns for sustained environment and decision making processes.